5 Tips for the Best Kosher BBQ

Summertime signals the perfect occasion for outdoor gatherings and delicious BBQs. At Kohn’s, a leading kosher butcher located in the heart of Creve Coeur, we take pride in offering an extensive range of kosher products that cater to all your BBQ needs. Hosting a kosher BBQ might seem daunting, but with our expert tips, you’ll be set to host an unforgettable kosher feast. Here’s how to ensure your kosher BBQ is both enjoyable and compliant with dietary laws.

1. Selecting the Right Meats

The success of your BBQ begins with the quality of the meat. As your trusted kosher butcher, Kohn’s provides a wide array of kosher-certified meats perfect for the grill. From succulent beef ribs to tender chicken thighs and juicy turkey burgers, our selection caters to all tastes. Remember, kosher meats are prepared under strict dietary guidelines, which include humane slaughtering practices and thorough inspection. Opt for a variety of cuts to offer your guests options and ensure there’s something for everyone.

2. Understanding and Implementing Separation

One of the pillars of kashrut involves the separation of meat and dairy. When planning your kosher BBQ, this means having separate grilling tools, plates, and serving utensils for meat and parve (neutral) items such as vegetables. Invest in two sets of grilling equipment and clearly label them to prevent mixing. This separation extends to your preparation areas and serving tables. By adhering to these rules, you ensure your gathering respects kosher dietary laws, keeping everything from your grill to your guests’ plates kosher.

Ready to host the ultimate kosher BBQ? Head to Kohn’s, your local kosher butcher in Creve Coeur, or visit our online shop.

3. Mastering the Marinade

Marinades and spices turn ordinary meats into delectable treats. At Kohn’s, we offer a selection of kosher-approved marinades that bring out the best in your BBQ meats. When creating your own marinades, ensure all ingredients comply with kosher standards. Let your meats soak in these flavors for several hours, or even overnight, to enhance their taste and tenderness. Just remember, when marinating, always store your meats in the refrigerator to maintain freshness and safety.

4. Managing the Grill

Grilling is an art, especially when it comes to kosher meat. Start with a clean grill to avoid non-kosher residues from previous BBQs. Heat management is crucial – begin with high heat to sear the meat and seal in juices, then move to a cooler part of the grill to finish cooking. Kosher meat can be leaner due to the salting process, so keep a close eye to avoid overcooking. Regularly turning the meat ensures even cooking and perfect grill marks.

5. Diversifying Your Menu

A great BBQ offers more than just meat. Complement your grilled dishes with a variety of sides, such as fresh salads, grilled vegetables, and starches like kosher potato salad or quinoa. Remember, all sides should also be kosher and free of meat derivatives to accommodate those who may want dairy later. For dessert, serve fruit, kosher sorbet, or dairy-free pastries, ensuring a sweet finish to your meal without compromising kosher laws.

Your Kosher BBQ Headquarters

Kohn’s is more than just a kosher butcher; we’re your partner in creating the perfect kosher BBQ experience. With our wide selection of meats, marinades, and kosher deli items, along with our online shop that delivers across the country, hosting a kosher BBQ has never been easier or more delightful.