Passover is almost here, and with it, the likelihood of friends and family arriving on your doorstep to enjoy quality time together. Of course, we all know that the heart of any important occasion lies in serving a delicious meal – especially at Passover when food has such a central part to play in the celebration.
From the seder plate with its essential symbols to grain-free Passover dishes, feeding your loved ones on this key occasion needn’t be a hassle with help from Kohn’s Kosher Deli.

The Passover Tradition
Passover is an 8-day festival which is traditionally celebrated during the early spring. Known as Pesach in Hebrew, Passover is a celebration to commemorate the Israelites’ emancipation from slavery by the ancient Egyptians.
As with other Jewish festivals, Passover is observed by adhering to certain rules and eating particularly symbolic foods which form a key element of the occasion. Leavened bread and most grains must be avoided during the course of the festival, while the Seder meals all contain special elements including four cups of kosher wine or grape juice, bitter herbs, matzah, vegetables dipped in salt water and charoset. Many Passover meals also serve up traditional favorites such as gefilte fish or chicken soup with kneidlach or lokshen noodles, however, there are lots of other options out there to suit a wide range of tastes. Whether you need a low fat or sugar-free diet or whether you just want to try whipping up something a little more unusual, there are Passover recipes out there that are sure to impress even the most hard-to-please family member!

Cooking Delicious Passover Meats
Although Passover comes with its own dietary restrictions, there’s no reason why you can’t enjoy a delicious and creative celebratory meal. Whether you prefer kosher chicken, turkey, lamb or beef, there are lots of exciting ideas to choose from that will tantalize your family’s tastebuds.
When it comes to choosing the best possible kosher meats, you need look no further than Kohn’s Kosher Deli. We specialize in supplying the freshest and most delicious kosher meats to customers throughout the St Louis area and further afield.

Choosing Our Catering Service
If you aren’t a whizz in the kitchen or can just think of better things to do than spending hours preparing the perfect Passover meal, finding a more convenient solution probably seems very attractive. However, it can be tricky to find kosher convenience foods in stores that are suitable for this celebration, since all chametz is forbidden during this time, most processed foods and drinks are not able to be consumed. Luckily, we have a great alternative idea for you.
Passover should be all about spending time with your loved ones, so why not forgo the kitchen this year and opt for our first class catering service instead? It’s never been easier to enjoy a delicious, kosher meal provided by Kohn’s Kosher Deli in the comfort of your own home. Our premade meals are the most convenient option, with a great menu of dishes for you to choose from that guarantees there’s something to suit your tastes.