Is there anything more convenient or delicious than a pre-prepared sandwich for lunch? Here at Kohn’s Kosher Deli, we know that our customers love our range of handmade sandwiches but what goes into making them? All of the food that we serve in our deli is Kosher, but what does that mean for the ingredients we use and the fillings we choose?

Our Kosher Certification

Kohn’s Kosher Deli has been Kosher Certified by the Vaad Hoeir of St Louis – the local body which ensures that all dietary and religious standards are upheld. All of the fillings and ingredients used to make our sandwiches are approved by the Vaad Hoeir, and so are guaranteed to comply with Kosher dietary requirements. Thanks to our certification, our customers can also rest assured that all of the food products that we sell are made to the very highest standards under a strict and rigorous supervision process.

Our Kosher Fillings

We’re proud of the impressive selection of sandwiches that we sell in our Deli, and every single filling that we offer is Kosher. In compliance with the requirements, we always make sure that we never mix meat and milk products, so that means we never add cheese to our sandwiches. All of our sandwiches are also made from meat and fish which are derived from Kosher animals and which gave been slaughtered and processed in the required manner.


Even though our fillings meet Kosher requirements, you can rest assured that there’s plenty of variety to choose from. Customers choosing from our deli lunch menu can opt for such tasty options as homemade corned beef, roast beef, beef brisket or beef pastrami to satisfy their meat cravings. Alternatively, if they’d prefer a poultry filling they can opt for plain or smoked turkey or turkey pastrami as their filling, or one of our other exciting choices such as bologna, salami, chopped liver, Poor Boy or one of our tasty tuna, egg or chicken salad sandwiches served on your choice of five different breads. Whether you prefer a bagel, pita, wheat or rye bread or a Kaiser roll, you’ll be spoiled for choice with us.

Our Sandwiches Are A Popular Choice

As all our handmade Deli sandwiches are guaranteed to be Kosher, they’re incredibly popular with our Orthodox Jew customers. However, their appeal is much wider than that. We’ve found that all kinds of people choose to come to us for their certified Kosher products. More people than ever before are recognizing that the Kosher diet is a healthy choice, and this means that those who have a range of health problems from lactose intolerance to Celiac disease prefer to adhere to this way of eating. We’re delighted to be able to serve a wide cross-section of the public and are proud of the range of customers that benefit from our delicious and nutritious menu.